With Fall in the air in New York and families eager to plan their next seasonal outings, a farm or apple-picking day is a common activity around this time of the year. These farm day activities can include hayrides, corn mazes, and petting zoos. However, it's important to recognize that while these events tend to be fun there is a possibility for an accident to occur. Knowing how to protect yourself and your family if someone gets hurt is crucial.

The Licatesi Law Group is a law firm in New York that wants to ensure that your family's outings remain joyful and worry-free. The most fun activities can have hidden hazards that can result in an injury. Slippery orchard grounds, malfunctioning hayrides, and farm day activities can present unexpected risks on your family outing. Being alert and aware of the dangers that may occur can help prevent accidents and enjoy your family's fall days with peace of mind.


Most orchards and farms in New York take the safety of their guest seriously but the locations of these places can cause hazards to occur. Some common personal injury accidents associated with apple picking and farm day activities include slip and falls, ladder-related injuries, hayride accidents, animal-related incidents, machinery malfunctions, and tripping hazards. Slip and fall accidents can be caused when wet or muddy terrain exists on the property grounds or when the grounds are uneven resulting in a slip and fall accident to occur. Ladder-related injuries may occur when some orchards provide ladders for apple picking and they may not always be secure of properly maintained resulting in an injury occurring. Hayride accidents may occur when a tractor malfunctions or when the seats are unsecure. Animal-related incidents may occur at petting zoos and animal areas especially when children are around, and the animals are not properly supervised. Machinery malfunctions may also lead to a risk of injury. Furthermore, tripping hazards are a common cause of injuries when exposed roots, rocks, or farm equipment causes someone to fall resulting in a twisted ankle or broken bone.


If you or a loved one has been injured on an apple picking excursion or any other farm-related activity you should first get medical attention for your injury. Injuries sometimes seem minor at first, but some serious symptoms may occur later down the road. The next thing that is important is to document the accident. This may include taking photos of the accident scene, reporting the incident to the staff, collecting information of witnesses, and saving any relevant documentation like medical records, bills, or tickets to the farm.


Reaching out to an experienced personal injury firm such as The Licatesi Law Group is important when determining if the farm failed to uphold its duty of care. Our firm specializes in personal injury cases and understands the causes of accidents in settings like these. We can help in the investigative process, speaking with insurance companies, seeking compensation for your injuries, medical expenses, and lost wages. Don't let an unexpected accident ruin your enjoyment of this beautiful season. Enjoy your farm adventures safely and remember if an accident occurs reach out to The Licatesi Law Group for a complimentary consultation to help get you back on your feet.